Event Information

Date: Saturday 29 March 2025

Venue: Stirling Court Hotel

Organiser: scottishathletics

Organiser Email: alison.grey@scottishathletics.org.uk

Level: Standard

Closing Date: Monday 24 March 2025


Alongside formal and informal learning opportunities, mentoring can play a key role in the ongoing development of coaches. To support coaches and their clubs in the provision of mentoring support, scottishathletics are hosting the sportscotland ‘Introduction to Mentoring’ workshop.

This workshop is a great starting point for anyone who is currently, or considering, undertaking a mentoring role in athletics and is open to all those currently qualified and licensed at coach level (or beyond) whether they are experienced or if mentoring is completely new to them.  

Focussing on the key themes of; knowing yourself, knowing others and knowing mentoring, the interactive session will explore the following areas:

  • What mentors do
  • Mentoring approaches
  • Importance of developing an understanding of your mentee and their environment
  • Mentoring tools
  • Our personal strengths and areas for development as mentors
  • Peer support


Venue: Stirling Court Hotel, Stirling University

Lunch is provided. Please detail any dietary requirements or allergies on the booking form.

Prerequisites: This opportunity is open to scottishathletics licensed coaches, qualified to Coach Level (AC/CiRF/L2) or beyond.

Cost (including lunch, tea, coffee & biscuits):

scottishathletics Member Coaches – free

non scottishathletics Member Coaches* – £20

*Please note that you will still need to register with sportserve and be logged in, to be able to progress a booking.


The 3 year scottishathletics Coach Membership costs £26 and can be purchased via this link Membership - Scottish Athletics. This will not only allow coaches to register for this workshop for free but will also grant access to a range of further member benefits.