Event Information

Date: Saturday 15 October 2022

Venue: Stirling Court Hotel

Organiser: scottishathletics

Organiser Email: jo.stevens@scottishathletics.org.uk

Level: Standard

Closing Date: Monday 10 October 2022



The conference will take place at Stirling Court Hotel, Stirling University, on 15 October, from 9am to 4pm, and will include a programme of updates, activities and knowledge-sharing for jog leaders. Tickets cost £10 for the day, which includes lunch, and are available online. The event is specifically for jogscotland jog leaders - please do ensure you have an up-to-date jog leader membership and valid UKA licence before reserving your place.


The programme will be as follows:


09:15 Coffee, Jo Stevens, jogscotland development officer - welcome, introductions; jogscotland and SAMH updates

10:00 Cara Shearer, National Club Manager, scottishathletics – the Changing Lives Programme

10:45 Coffee

11:00 James Stewart - Finding Summits, Getting Started and Keeping Going

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Robert Nesbitt, Head of Physical Activity and Sport for SAMH – Mental Health Charter for Physical Activity and Sport - Club Level; Mental Health workshop


14:15 Coffee

14:30 Breakout sessions for knowledge sharing

15:30 Q&A & Close


We look forward to meeting you there!




12611-Agenda 2022.pdf